United States Navy surveillance plane moving into place for takeoff aboard the nuclear-powered aircraft carrier USS Eisehnhower in the Persian Gulf, November 1998.

United States F-16 fighter-bomber taking off with catapult assistance from the nuclear-powered aircraft carrier USS Eisehnhower in the Persian Gulf, November1998.

Afterburners on, a United States F-16 fighter-bomber taking off with catapult assistance from the nuclear-powered aircraft carrier USS Eisehnhower in the Persian Gulf, November 1998.

A 2000 pound laser guided bomb, bearing the inscription "LEWISNKY LIP TRAINER" being slung under a US Navy F-14 Tomcat fighter-bomber aboard the first US nuclear-powered aircraft carrier, the USS Enterprise, in the Persian Gulf, 19 December 1998. President Bill Clinton had ordered three days of Iraq bombing for alleged Iraqi government violations of no-fly zones; this was the third day of that bombing campaign and also the day that the US House of Representatives impeached President Clinton.

Unites States Secretary of State Colin Powell delivering his notoriously falsehood riddled anthrax 5 February 2003 speech to the United Nations Security Council as part of the Bush administation and neocon effort to justify the subsequent US invasion of Iraq. Behind and over Powell's right shoulder are then CIA Director George Tenet and US Ambassador to the UN, John Negreponte.

Dr. Hans Blix, Executive Chairman, United Nations Monitoring, Verification & Inspection Commission (UNMOVIC), at United Nations headquarters in Manhattan, 14 April 2003. Behind Blix, a former Swedish Foreign Minister and head of the International Atomic Energy Agency, is a 1 April 2003 satelite photo of Baghdad with black smoke rising from various locations.

Subversive "iRaq" posters, posted over Apple iPod advertrising, downtown Manhattan, 21 May 2004.

US Navy F-16 fighter-bomber landing on the first US nuclear-powered aircraft carrier, the USS Enterprise after a bombing mission to Iraq, in the Persian Gulf, 19 December 1998. President Bill Clinton had ordered three days of Iraq bombing for alleged Iraqi government violations of no-fly zones; this was the third day of that bombing campaign and also the day that the US House of Representatives impeached President Clinton.

Nicholas Sarkozy, French President and, in background left, Bernard-Henri Lévy, French philosopher and his apparent guru, momentarily enter into and greet crowd in Benghazi, Libya, during whirlwind 15 September 2011 visit of British and French leaders.

An Appeals Judge returning to his office at the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia, the Hague, Holland, May 2007.